If you run your own business, you know how difficult it is to keep everything organized. This is especially true for small businesses with limited employees. This leaves a lot on your shoulders, and a lot for you to remember. If you are going to keep track of every task your business needs to accomplish, writing things down is the most effective way. The human mind is driven to pay attention to things that are visually attractive, especially if things are stressful. If your to-do list is visually attractive, you will be more likely to pay attention to it. To accomplish a to-do list that is visually attractive, and conserve resources, most small businesses invest in a whiteboard, which is a reusable resource that holds its value for years after purchase.
Bright Colors Draw More Attention
Dry erase markers come in a variety of colors. You can purchase them in basic colors, or you can get a little wild and purchase neon colors. Either way, you are more likely to pay attention to brightly colored to-do lists that are right in front of you than you are a piece of paper with blue or black ink scribbled on it.
Dry Erase Boards are Easy to Use
Dry erase boards are extremely easy to use. Not only can you color code them, you are able to rearrange them with great ease. Tasks that initially seemed important can be moved if another task becomes more pressing or comes to your attention. You … Read More