Vehicle insurances efficiently take care of the expenses arising from the unpleasant surprising events involving damages, theft, and third-party liabilities. As the insurance plans are mandatory and protect you from all kinds of financial liabilities related to your vehicle, you should choose the plans wisely. To choose a plan wisely, you will have to compare all the vehicle insurance online plans on websites like

Before enrolling in a vehicle insurance plan online, the policyholder should check whether he or she is eligible for the insurance plan or not.  To check the eligibility, you should check the details required for the documents.  Some of the important documents include proposal form, registration certificate, and previous insurance certificate. Keep some of the important details with you before enrolling to a plan. The details include vehicle registration number, car model details, car registration certificate, evidence or certificate of the previous vehicle insurance.

You will have to upload all the required documents to the insurance provider at the same time making sure that all the information provided are correct and up to date.

Documents Needed For Vehicle Insurance Online

If you are choosing to buy vehicle insurance online, you will have to keep certain documents ready. The proper documentation will keep the enrollment process hassle-free.

  • Filled up proposal form – you will have to fill the insurer details, type of policy, vehicle details such as registration number, model, CC, Insured declared values, General information and declaration. After filling the form take a print
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