As a digital marketer, your suggestion will be taken as sacrosanct as you help a business set up their first website. You may study their businesses category and choose a particular kind of platform that will suit your client. However, there are platforms which do not always comply with the business’ needs. This may cost you a lot, but your client even more. So, in a bid to simplify things, let us talk about that one popular platform tried, tested and loved by many digital professionals worldwide while building their website. WordPress. If one writes the number of pros WordPress has, it will take hours. However, we have summarized the essence of the same and presented you top 5 reasons digital marketers suggest WordPress host a business website to their clients. But before we deep-dive into the content matter, here is looking at one of the best WordPress hosting providers. Now let us get into the details, shall we?
Serves as a great content curation and marketing tool
Content marketing is a proven and tested tactic in the world of digital. More so in the b2b community since thought leadership and industry knowledge are taken into account. WordPress websites serve as an amazing tool to create, curate and deliver content. With the use of targeted keywords, marketers can drive search engine visibility for the content. This allows you to build backlinks to the website via social sharing and mentions as well.
Builds a community for businesses
It takes ages for businesses to build a brand. But with a website as strong as WordPress, building an online brand gets easier. This is because, with a WordPress website, you can set time goals for your business and attract customers to the home page. Moreover, the themes, design elements and vivid templates add to the aesthetics of the website and play a huge role in attracting customers to the WordPress website. This helps businesses build an online community resulting in better brand equity. So when you are choosing the best WordPress hosting for your client, do not forget to factor in this advantage for your clients.
Increases discoverability of online businesses
A WordPress website allows you to curate and push more content with its CMS, eradicating content bottlenecks if any. This allows a website to improve its ranking. Moreover, WordPress allows one to expand content editors, since making regular changes into the content improves search engine optimization, resulting in better discoverability of the website. Also, with plugins like Yoast, you can easily boost the SEO of your WordPress website.
Improves conversion rate of customers
With a WordPress website, lubricating your customer funnel is much easier. This is because WordPress wins as a CMS (content management system). You can track the visits, shares, entire analytics of your website and understand which web page is performing and why. You can modify the content on the pages that are not performing or even remove redundant ones. Also, design and development actions including CTA (Call to Action) and setting advanced custom fields to categorize the type of content is also possible with a WordPress website. All these advantages factor in while improving the rate of conversion for a WordPress website.
Category agnostic
There are certain websites that are said to be good for a particular business category. For. eg. Digital marketers suggest Magento as a platform to build an e-commerce website. However, WordPress is so robust in its structure, layout and as a platform that it can serve all business categories. Digital marketers swear by WordPress’ ability to become one with every category. Be it finance, e-commerce, machine industry or even a consulting firm, WordPress beautifies and provides able support to all kinds of businesses.
In closing
We also feel that there are some other website platforms worth mentioning but no one comes as close to WordPress. This is also because WordPress support is brilliant. Businesses do not need to depend on their agency to provide inputs for making changes or updates to their WordPress website. WordPress has a huge community online and the forums keep making upgrades to the new additions made within the website. We hope you now know why WordPress is suggested as a website by agencies and consultancies to build a website. Hoping that when you will be choosing the best WordPress hosting plan for your client, you will keep these factors into consideration.