The vending machine is an automated machine that is intended to provide the users with a diverse range of products: snacks, beverages, pizzas, cupcakes, newspapers, tickets, etc. A vending machine dispenses a product to the users based on the amount of money inserted and the selection of the product.

Hasil gambar untuk How can you make money from vending machine business?

If business means buying and selling products in order to make a profit, then it is a viable business, and it is a business venture that has been around for a long time. There are many profitable vending machine businesses that can fetch you some money.

This article will highlight some avenues to make money through vending machine business. But before that let’s look at some different types of vending machines.

Types of vending machine

One of the advantages of vending machine businesses is that they can be established in any location. This write-up shall not exhaust all the types but you can look up more ideas from existing and past investors in the business on review websites like

Candy and Soda

The standard vending machine that comes to mind is one that offers candy, snacks, and sodas for spare change. These are some of the most sought-after products which are readily available, the machines can be set up at strategic locations. Due to the nature of these products, the machines can be set up in office buildings, schools, train and bus stations, malls and shopping facilities. Just ensure that you seek approval from appropriate authorities and voila! you are in business.


A lot of people take coffee or tea, but some societies tend to favor coffee over tea, and vice versa. In cold weather, a coffee-vending machine is a hit with a large portion of coffee drinking societies like America. Coffee vending is a lucrative business that offers freshly brewed coffee and allows users to choose specific flavors of coffees for a given price, as well as providing a cup, the coffee and milk or cream, as selected by the buyer.

Toiletries and Medical Supplies

There are also vending machines that dispense toiletries and medical supplies. They are located in public bathrooms at the airport, bars, restaurants, and clubs. These vending machines provide supplies, such as tampons, face cloths, teeth floss, small toothbrushes, and toothpaste. Those located in airports may also have deodorant and temporary body spray, so travelers can refresh themselves after a long flight.

How to make money through a vending machine

Abiding in the following steps will guarantee you a steady inflow of cash through vending business.

Pick a suitable location

In any business you want to engage in, the location of the business plays an important role as the capital. You cannot hope to make money in coffee vending in a location with a lot of children (soda and snacks will fare better in this instance). Pick your location wisely and know who your potential customers will be.

Analyze Your Profits

Continue to evaluate your costs and profits on an ongoing basis, to ensure that the location you chose for your vending machine is profitable.

Keep Your Vending Machines Stocked and in Working Order

An important part of this vending machine business is to keep your machines well-stocked and in good working order. It is bad business that customers come to your vending machine and do not find what they want.

Are you considering starting a vending machine business? Please read the above again and plan your business and research extensively on topics like the best advice on starting a business.