How to Create a Good Essay – Essay is a writing that contains opinions, views, or personal expressions about an ongoing thing in society. In order for the intent to be conveyed in an essay to be delivered well, an essay should be written as well as possible. Here is how to create a good essay:

1. Determine an interesting theme

Before writing an essay or persuasive essay writer , first, decide what essay you want to write. A good theme will affect the overall content of the essay. Therefore, choose a theme that is warm – warm happened, so the readers want to spend the time to read the essay that you will write.

2. Research

After getting the theme, do research through the book or internet about the theme. This is done to support the arguments you want to write in the essay, so your opinions will be stronger. If your essays are supported by data such as facts, examples, theories, etc., then the essay will be good. Conversely, if your essay does not have supporting data, your writing will be considered nonsense and people will not believe in the essay you created.

3. Create an outline

Creating a template or outline is useful when creating a paper. This is done to men ideas – ideas that want to be disclosed. In addition, with outlines, your writing will not come out of ideas or themes, so your essay will be coherence and logical.

4. Pay attention to word selection

A good essay is an essay that uses good language because essays are formal papers. Therefore use formal languages. In addition, you also need to consider who the candidate readers essay. If the candidate of your essay readers is intellectual, use intellectual language as well. Conversely, if the prospective reader is the general public, use the common language, but still, use the formal language. This is done to make your essays well structured, well contextually, as they are easy to understand.

5. Do it

Once the above things have been done, start writing. In essay writing there are three things that must be considered, namely:


An introduction is the beginning of the essay, This section reveals what will be discussed in an essay. In addition, in the introduction, there is also your statement of a problem to be discussed, write the statement in a language that can cause questions and curiosity from the reader to find out the reasons for the statement.


The next section is the content. This section contains an overall outline of the essay contents. Write it with reference to the points on the outline that has been made. Develop these points and do not forget to provide support in the form of data so that your opinion is not weak.


The next part is the cover. This section is a conclusion or essay conclusion. Rewrite points on the content with other languages and in one sentence. A conclusion should represent the content of the essay and do not bring up any new ideas or topics on the cover.

6. Title

The title is also important in creating an essay. A good title is a title that captivates the attention of others, so they are interested to read it.